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In terms of Section 75 of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority Act 2010, where a matter has not been settled between a Financial Services Provider and a Complainant the Ombudsman will make a decision with reference to what is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances of each case.

When the Ombudsman has determined a complaint, the Ombudsman gives a written statement of the decision to all the parties. The Determination gives the reasons for the decision; and it is certified and signed by the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman requires the Complainant to notify the Ombudsman in writing, whether the Complainant accepts or rejects the decision.

If the Complainant accepts the decision, it is final and binding on the parties. If, by the specified date, the complainant has not notified the Ombudsman of the acceptance or rejection of the decision, the Complainant shall be treated as having rejected it; and the Ombudsman notifies the Respondent of the outcome.

Below are some of the Determinations of the Ombudsman. The names of the parties have been changed to protect their identity.

18th November, 2021 Insurance Insurance - Pepudiation of insurance claim - Arrear Premiums The Insurance Company Not Upheld INS.M.33.2021.pdf
14th October, 2021 Savings and/or Credit Savings and Credit - Loans advanced to member security thereof. The SACCO Partially Upheld CC.H.15.2020.pdf
13th October, 2021 Investments Insurance - Miselling of insurance product The Insurance Company Not Upheld SEC.M.22.2021.pdf
26th August, 2021 Insurance Insurance - Funeral Insurance facilitated by member SACCO The Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Not Upheld INS.H.10.2021.pdf
19th May, 2021 Insurance Insurance: Lapse of Insrance contract principle of utmost good faith underpins insurance contract. THE INSURANCE COMPANY Not Upheld INS.M.01.2021.pdf
23rd April, 2021 Savings and/or Credit Savings & Credit: Consumer Credit Act credit agreement and the unilateral alteration of contractual terms by the credit provider. FINANCIAL SERVICES PROVIDER Partially Upheld CC.H.15.2020.pdf
1st March, 2021 Savings and/or Credit Savings & Credit: Consumer Credit Act arrears on loan balance. FINANCIAL SERVICES PROVIDER Not Upheld CC.M.25.2020.pdf
20th January, 2021 Retirement Funds Retirement Funds: Distribution of death benefits and the provisions of section 33 of the Retirement Funds Act, 2005. THE EMPLOYER FUND Not Upheld RF.H.20.2020.pdf
8th January, 2021 Savings and/or Credit Savings & Credit: Purpose of Consumer Credit Act the importance of credit agreement and the rights of the parties as appears [from the contract]. THE CREDIT PROVIDER Not Upheld CC.H.04.2020.pdf
18th December, 2020 Savings and/or Credit Savings & Credit: Consequences of underpayment in repaying monies advanced extended period of loan and arrears FINANCIAL SERVICE PROVIDER Not Upheld CC.M.16.2019.pdf
30th November, 2020 Retirement Funds Retirement Fund: Withdrawal benefit where Member resigned Employer Optional Exit Scheme. EMPLOYER STAFF PENSION FUND Not Upheld RF.M.18.2019.pdf
6th November, 2020 Insurance Insurance: Claim against life policy where the cause of death was natural causes Acidental Death Benefit LIFE INSURANCE (ESWATINI) LIMITED Not Upheld INS.M.12.2019.pdf
6th November, 2020 Savings and/or Credit Savings & Credit: Membership of Complainant with Respondent Retirement and extension of Membership Outstanding balances on monies advanced The Savings And Credit Cooperative Society Limited Not Upheld CC.M.22.2019.pdf
4th May, 2018 Retirement Funds Retirement Fund- Pension- Miscalculation of Benefits- Withdrawal Benefit Pension Fund, Fund Administrator, Employer Not Upheld RFM162017-040518.pdf
9th April, 2018 Insurance Insurance- Short term- Motor Personal- Claim declined (policy terms not recognized or met) - Non-payment of premiums Insurance Broker, Insurance Company, Financier Bank Not Upheld INSH62017-0904181.pdf
1st December, 2017 Savings and/or Credit Savings & Credit - Incorrect interest or fees being charged Credit Provider Upheld CCM242016-011217.pdf
7th November, 2017 Savings and/or Credit Savings & Credit - Incorrect interest or fees being charged Savings & Credit Cooperative Society Upheld CCM132016-071117.pdf
15th August, 2016 Retirement Funds Retirement Fund - Pension- Distribution / improper exercise of discretion - Death benefit Pension Fund Upheld RFAH62013-150816.pdf
5th August, 2016 Insurance Insurance- Short term- Motor Personal- Claim declined (policy terms not recognized or met) - Claim repudiation Insurance Company Upheld IAH32013-050816.pdf
5th August, 2016 Retirement Funds Retirement Fund - Pension - Miscalculation of Benefits Pension Fund, Employer Upheld RFAH372012-050816.pdf